Heartworms are a parasite that reside in the heart of mammals. Dogs are the most frequent hosts, although cats and occasionally other species can become infected. Heartworm larvae are transmitted from an infected animal to a susceptible animal by mosquitoes. The larvae take several months to grow and move from the site of the bite to taking up residence in the heart. We have autopsied dogs with heartworm, and it really looks like spaghetti when the heart is opened up. Not a pretty site, and obviously fatal for the dog. There is a treatment available to be used on dogs and cats already infected with the disease, but it is currently in tight supply and is doled out case by case by the manufacturer. The easiest way to keep your pet safe from this disease is monthly prevention with an approved product. There are several products on the market, most with an active ingredient of Ivermectin. In Collies or collie type breeds, a different active ingredient is recommended due to occasional sensitivities to Ivermectins. Monthly prevention is easy- a small chewable tablet once a month- and is effective at preventing this serious and debilitating disease. Testing for heartworm is recommended prior to starting the preventative, as giving the medication to a dog already infected can have serious side effects.
October 2015