Hospital Tour
Exam Rooms
We have 3 exam rooms in which to see your animals. Each one has different advantages for unique situations or needs. One of them has a large scale and lift table, for our larger patients. Another has oxygen connections in the room in case of breathing difficulties or if we want to bring an anesthetized animal into the room. The third room has a small scale for our kitty patients, or small ones of any species, and a window to look out.
Surgery Room
The surgery room is where all of our "clean" procedures and surgeries take place. This room has anesthetic machines, our laser unit, anesthetic gas scavenger, sterile supplies for surgery, adjustable surgery table, and special surgery lights. We also have monitoring equipment for checking heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, ECG, temperature and end tidal CO2 while your animal is anesthetized. The natural light from the window is a nice feature that improves visibility during surgery as well, with a window shade we can pull when needed!
Treatment Room
The treatment room is where animals who have been admitted to the hospital are examined, sedated, and have blood drawn. It also where non-sterile procedures take place, like dental cleanings and abscess treatments. Animal who are going to have surgery are anesthetized and prepped for surgery in this room as well. It is our general purpose room where a lot of our special tools are kept, and where we get most of our work done. Our laboratory equipment is also in this room, and we can immediately get going on bloodwork or urinalyses or other special tests as soon as the samples are taken. We have new laboratory equipment as of early March 2012 to replace our older machines and these are able to do more tests more accurately and faster. We are excited about this upgrade, which allows us to do more here in the clinic and get results within 30 minutes! Read more about our laboratory offerings on the Lab page. Our centrifuges for separating blood samples and spinning urinalyses and fecal parasite tests are in this room, and also our autoclave which sterilizes our surgical instruments. Our microscope sits on the counter, and is where we evaluate smears or aspirates from blood, masses, infected ears, skin and other samples that need further diagnostics.
X-Ray Room
This is the room where we take the xrays that help us learn more about the inside of your pet. We are excited to have digital x-rays, which give us better pictures and improved quality, and gives your pet lower exposure to radiation and fewer retakes of the picture. Read more about the features of this technology on our x-ray page.